You’ve probably tried meditating, yoga, exercising, going out or talking (i.e. complaining) to your friends..
Yet, you feel that
Maybe you feel so ordinary, accepting the mundane life, like nothing’s unique about you.
We believe everyone can be creative and unique.
Creativity in the bigger sense (as in not exclusive to arts and crafts) is an intrinsic human nature; When people don’t create stuff, ideas, values, dreams.. when they feel like they have to conform with the “norm”, they feel exactly that..
Barriya’s Creativity Mentorship realizes the magic of nature. It is a sanctuary where we find inspiration and peace of heart, to connect from within and without, and pursue a creativity-driven life.
Personal creative guidance is provided by Lena AlAmeel. Learn about her story with creativity here.
After submitting your application below, a free discovery session (35 min) will be held to determine if the program is the right fit for you before confirming your participation.
Program details
Number of Sessions: 4 (one session each week).
Session Duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour
Session Method: Online video
الارشاد الإبداعي الشخصي مقدم من قبل لينه العميل. تعرف على قصتها مع الإبداع هنا.
بعد تقديم طلبك أدناه، سيتم عمل جلسة استكشافية مجانية (٣٥د) لتحديد ما إذا كان البرنامج مناسب لك قبل تأكيد الاشتراك.
عدد الجلسات: ٤ (جلسة كل أسبوع)
مدة الجلسة: ٤٥د إلى ١س
طريقة الجلسة: اونلاين مرئية
Through a holistic approach to creative living, our nature-based approach help unlock true creative expression on all levels (mind-body-soul) through three main elements:
Wellness, Movement, and Play.